let me bring in marty markowitz. thanks very much for taking the time. can you tell me what you're seeing right now in brooklyn? is the worst of the storm over? >> we've been hammered very badly tonight, throughout the day, but certainly this evening. especially in our areas that are adjacent to the water front and the seashore, particularly in neighborhoods running from mill basin, and right across manhattan beach and coney island, sea gates. and other neighborhoods. so part of brooklyn, many trees are down, smashed cars, many smashed homes. we lost a lot of trees. and flooding of basements has happened up and down the borough, where people had to move to higher ground. garrettson beach, i got quite a few phone calls where water reached up almost to the first level of their homes. cars floating in the -- on the streets. so we really got hit. this was a nasty, nasty storm. that's for sure. >> and we just had some reports, i don't know if you're able, marty, to confirm this, that coney island hospital could have had a fire on one of its floors, that the f