this one's from marvin marvin, he's waiting. what do you think drove those women to fight for their country, even when they were still say, so being subjugated, subjugated to the harshness of the patriarchy in ethiopia. the question, this is a very fast square, the very fast answer is they saw war as an opportunity to change their station in life. they were fighting not just for their country, but for themselves as well. so uneek, thank you for your courage and determination to tell the story how you present facts, dates, and sense and violence from overcoming your voice revision. i mean that it's just, this is what we do. as writers, everything happens in revision, write it all down and then revise. chris fine. how do you deal with criticisms of focusing on conflicts a century ago? he said it's more current ones being that the role of women is so much different now. oh, i don't know if the role of women is so much different and i don't know if there has been a i don't know about criticisms about writing from the past. the past