marwa, has there ever been a time where you feel unsafe? >> i feel unsafe all the time. when i first made my post, i got a lot of positive feedback, but after trump started attacking muslims more often, i started getting really, really hateful messages that would make your skin crawl. and it's terrifying. and i can't even speak -- i can't even say that i'm scared, because i don't wear a hijab. i can't imagine what a woman in america who wears a hijab. i know women that wear hijabs are too afraid to leave their house and have left their house and have been threatened and have had people tried to attack them by pulling their scarves off. and that's ridiculous. >> we've talked about how you can change things. but at the end of the day, there is this major misconception in this country about what it means to be a muslim. haroom, what do you think the biggest misconception is about the muslim faith? >> that we're americans. and we had this long conversation about whether thousands and thousands of muslims are celebrating on 9/11, which i think completely missed the point. obv