pearl hadtt been beheaded. and the really tragic and brutah way he was killed. and i've kept up with mary ann k pearl when i went to paris just a year ago after george was president for international literacy day at unesco. i invited mary ann pearl out to lunch with the two spouses of the two current ambassadors, the bilateral ambassador to france from the united states and the wife of our ambassador to unesco so they could meet her. but, in fact, she told me thenfa and two weeks later she was, she became an american citizen. so she's a citizen of the united states now. >> again, with the privacy thing you discuss as you talk aboutvay some of your yosemite trips or your hiking trips with yours, friends and how you were able th get away on those. >> uh-huh. o >> is it possible, we've all seen the articles about the carla bruni book, the first lady of france and what michelle obama reportedly said, is it possible to have a private ha conversation in your capacity? >> oh, it is, of course. yo and who knows, she probably didn't say that at all. that was probably made up. i think carla bruni said