attorney will fight to see that morris gets what he wants, to be released home but it is judge mary beth ben na venturea who gets to decide his faith. >> i think i understand your testimony to be because morris is not as available or participating with these services to the extent that you think appropriate, that he should just remain locked up? >> well, i'm basing that upon him running away from home. his mother not knowing where he is. and she was having a hard time controlling him and reasoning with him he has failed a couple of drug tests. morris has told me on several occasions that whatever i do it's not going to work. >> so had you previously recommended that he undergo anger management, and you had recommended family counseling and counseling services. why don't we let it work itself through some more. let this counseling before we say the answer is to keep him locked up. >> that would be fine but morris has tended to befriend some young men, one for instance who was shot the other day in a drive by shooting. young people he's been associating with. i believe it's safer for him to be