kelsey lives in oregon, where a law professor named mary christina wood, author of this book, "nature'srust," has created a legal strategy to the basic notion goes all the way back to ancient rome, and it says that government holds in public trust for all its citizens the resources they need to survive, and can be held accountable if it fails to protect those resources for future generations. and that's how kelsey juliana wound up in court at age 15. yes, 15.[ów-Ñ"vuç even as a teenager s:nnown for her environmental activism. frankly, it came naturally to her. her parents met in the '90s when they were protesting the destruction of old growth forests by the logging industry. kelsey followed in their footsteps. she agreed to be one of two plaintiffs in a suit claiming b the state of oregon was not doing all it could to protect their future by reducing global warming. the first judge said his court didn't have jurisdiction to resolve the issue, but the oregon court of appeals found merit in the case and told the lower court, try again. while the legal process creeps forward, kelsey has t