i am mary crutchfield. and i am with sierra club. >> do you mind pulling the mike up closer? thank you. >> is that better? i come to speak to you today as a concerned citizen and property owner in richmond, virginia. i have already seen some of affects of climate change in my own small property. i have observed we have had more intense storms, heavier rain fall and more frequency than in the past five years. a few years ago when hurricane irene came by i lost my entire fence. in another storm i had a neighbor had have a tree fall on her house and damage windows, the porch and part of the roof. it was a traumatizing experience for the city and neighborhood to go through the storms and to see the damage that they caused. having more severe storms is one of the effects of climate change. scientist have established that carbon pollution is the main contributor to the pollution. it is important to set a standard for a coal fired power plants and all plants in order to prevent more serious changes in the climate in the future. ... lastly, i am concerned about health issues that are