challenges of youth and why the city's families needed to get closer together, that is what i met mary ellen rogers. i remember her, as well as so many others, who had such a strong love of community. it is a -- it is appropriate that this housing development been named after her to reflect that great love that she had for her family, as well as her community. i also find it extremely significant, as this is not to be passed. in building these 100 units of affordable senior housing, 20% of which will be housing formerly homeless people, that it is done in such a way that it reflects the great collaboration that exists within the city. so that the talent of the tabernacle and it's great reverence are coming together with the people in the community. our two great communities in the city, coming together to forge this great relationship, doing the best work that it can. making sure that this housing uses those valuable tax increments that we have been talking about for the entire month. redevelopment in the city has been doing a great job. leveraging dollars with a financial community like silicon va