matter in a time when many of us -- what did >> ame chisholm say -- married francis -- and mary fiveces berry, author of " dollars in import chop sandwich." on sunday at 115, david mccullough speaks with former news anchor and journalists about his collection of speeches on american principles. >> i began to think about the great presidents down the years who have been avid readers of history. many of them wrote history including john kennedy. and even those who do not have the benefit of a college education like harry truman, he read history all their lives. and realize that it is essential to the role of a leader, whether it is the presidency or leadership of any kind. cause and effect. history matters. forgo to book the complete weekend schedule. ♪ journal live everyday with the news and policy issues that impact you. coming up sunday morning, newt gingrich talks about his new book "understanding trump." and humane society president and ceo wayne discusses his book "the humane economy." also financial times columnist on his book "the retreat of western liberalism." be sure to watch