. >> mary guyatt is the curator of the jane austen's house museum. this must be the holy grail when people come to visit. >> it is. many a visitor have a little cry here. >> i really can't believe the size. it's not much bigger than a dinner plate. jane's born in 1775. she starts penning poems and stories when she's 14. >> mary, what's here? >> it's a red riding jacket. and it's said that the austen children used to dress up in this. they used to act together and write stories. >> by the time she's 23, she's written the first drafts of three novels, "northanger abbey," "sense and sensibility," and "pride and prejudice." but it's not until she's 35 when, with the help of her brother, henry, she finally sees one in print. even then, "sense and sensibility" is published anonymously. why did jane publish without using her name? >> at the time, novels had a bit of a dubious reputation. and for a women to be writing a novel was not necessarily the thing to be seen to be doing. >> nevertheless, jane's career is off and running. she goes on to publish, again