and here is tom charles houston and mary jo cook, a little bit of their testimony. you submit to the president certain recommendations with respect to, the restraints on intelligence collection. yes and have you got in front of you the document, which is a tab, two of our books? yes. and is that the document which you did submit to the president, which i submitted to mr. hall? you submitted halderman for transmission to the president. is that right now in that document, you make certain recommendations with respect to changing restraints, which you thought had been placed upon intelligence collection. is that right? yes. in making those recommendations, did you believe you were representing the consensus of the entire working group that had worked on the study for yourself and for the president? yes. so that whatever recommendation you made with respect to illegal opening of the mail or burglary or surreptitious entry were ones which you believed represented the views of the entire intelligence community. with the exception of the footnotes of mr. hoover himself. is