that's not the lesson amazingly enough that mary jo white, lanny brewer and eric holder learns. >> cohan: lanny brewer being eric holder's righthand man. >> yes, the head of the criminal division in the justice department under obama and eric holder under covington and burlington, both leave a big firm to go under obvious and return to covington and burlington. >> cohan: and lanny caught on tape in the documentary where he's espousing the holder doctrine, if you will. >> exactly. so they internalized a different message from anderson. they internalized that this is a terrible thing, that we can't put people out of work, it's too disruptive, and when the financial crisis happens, they're very trepidacious about prosecuting a bank because the markets are so fragile. my argument, if you are worried about systemic consequences of prosecutor companies, focus on individuals. instead, they don't. i think it is a skill set issue. they don't put the resources or time in. they say they have every incentive to do it but they don't have the incentives to do it and that has to do with the revolving d