. >> mary kay wilmers in your view who are some of the top british authors people should read? >> hillary mattell. >> she has written wolfe's lawyer and then the second part -- >> this call will fall. thank you. >> and she is writing a third volume now, and apart from that there was clear tomlin, any number -- martin, -- >> who are you reading right now? >> i'm reading a biography i just happened to have picked up in the office and it's a very amusing because if -- she is so opinionated about her father-in-law and it just reminds you of how the biographies were written 50 years ago when we gave his view a great deal of describing the character and telling of their lives and now you get a bunch more distance. lee is another writer. >> who has also been on the london series. we've talked with her. in fact several of the authors we've talked to have either written or talked about charles dickens. >> because the anniversary. >> his importance to english literature and lives. do you agree? >> yes, i do. >> if you could list one or two -- >> yes, that would keep me happy for quite aw