some wanted to go national and that is the emphasis on national parks, highway beautification, mary lasker who was part of that move, said these highways are terrible. she was thinking of the new jersey turn pike. although signs, it could be better. that was highway beautification, getting the junkyards removed or covered up with fences and the washington park. even the washington part split into two. one group wanted to plant tulips, the dog would set. people wanted to polish the statues and make it more beautiful for tourists and others who wanted to go into the poor neighborhoods where sports fields, recreation facilities were not there and do something for those in regards. the important about her is she incorporated them all. >> she beat the united states congress and there was no hiding behind, you know, the man, and she did not pretend that she was not doing it. she was up their lobbying and it was very tough. it sounds nicey-nicey, the beautification. the billboard lobby was against any of this. they were people as there are ways are in these situations, people pushing harder sayin