florida officials have now identified, 69 year-old mary louise amsbell of dover, delaware as one of the five people killed, during try shooting at fort lauderdale hollywood interested in airport. the she's second victim with ties to the delaware valley. thirty he lease say esteban san teeing he killed five, wounding six others in the airport's baggage claim area and now sheriff's deputy in florida is suspended, following the leak of what appears to be surveillance video showing the shooter in action that day. broward sheriff scotties rail recently spoke about the case. >> whoever did this, it is repulsive, and it was despicable, and it could possibly be illegal. >> reporter: michael dingman a 21 year veteran assign to the airport for several years could be responsible for leaking video to gossip site for tmz as he is suspended with pay and under investigation for disclosures of use of confidential information and discretion and conduct unbecoming an employee the mayor barbara chere says up investigators enhanced video checking to see if a reflection shows person who used a cell phone to