biographer, you seem to specialize in rescuing misunderstood women like mary todd lincoln and the american suffragist and now margaret sanger, and so i would love for you to talk a bit more about the current effort to rewrite history as you know it relates to her life in particular, the accusations against her, with her eugenics. >> i think there is a continuity in terms of the criticism of sanger, not what is said about her so much, but she grew up, when she began to birth the birth control movement, knowing that she really would be criticized by the world, and so she was at the beginning. the criticisms at the beginning when i compare them to what is going on today, were similar in that they loath suggest -- on the part of those who are made in the criticisms. in the first case, those who oppose sanger on the basis of her movement for birth control, most of them were arguing that birth control would lead to promiscuity and of course we are not talking about men here. we are talking about women and that is especially ignorant and foolish kind of criticism. umbrellas don't ring rain, today? and so -- [laughter] thanks. it s