(audience applause) which is a quote from mary mccarthy, i have to say. i didn't make that up. - can i ask you about something that happened during the primary season, where you and madeline albright separately said things that caught the attention of people as it related to the support that secretary clinton enjoyed from women or did not get from women during the primary against bernie sanders. it was i believe secretary albright who said, i hope i get this right, there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women. you actually said something else, and it related to young women i think you were referring to, who might've supported senator sanders, and you made it sound like it was for them more of a social exercise than it was anything else. can you explain that and how we should think about gender in terms of support for what might be the first woman president. - madeline albright did not vote for sarah palin, okay. (audience laughter) - see you in hell, right. - i mean, she's not talking totally about biology, she's just talking ab