it's not ride sharing if they have to have this kind of insurance. >> next speaker, please. >> mary mcguire, followed by barry corn gold. >> good afternoon, ms. mcguire. >>> mary mcguire, taxi driver. i'm going to follow-up what the others said about the lift. first of all, the passenger is unaware, they just go through [speaker not understood]. despite repeated requests from ed heely, [speaker not understood], they still have yet to produce any documentation proving they have insurance. as they claim, they have a 1 million supplemental excess liability insurance policy per occurrence to cover each driver. i don't know how they can do that. how can it be supplemental when the private vehicle, the insurance commissioner has ruled that it doesn't cover the private vehicle? so, $1 million, talk is cheap. today's new york times business section, i don't know whether you saw the story -- they ran the story about start ups. maybe 40 or more up to 100. they are heavily invested in venture capital side car uber. even the ceos of these companies are reluctant to go out and buy a new car because they