wasas it mary mildred? who said "beware of fear?" >> mother mary mildred. my headmistress.vent school that i was in. when i went for my first interview with her and i was, of course, extremely frightened. she just said this very wise thing which was "beware of fear. just be careful with fear." and it takes you many years to understand the wisdom in something like that. >> rose: what was it that got you on stage and got you interested in the national youth theater and got you at the royal shakespeare and got you to peter brooks? >> well, you know, a love of the world of the imagination, i suspect. >> rose: really. >> the ability to sort of shut the rest of the world out and enter into a magical world. for me it was shakespeare that took me into the world of the imagination in terms of drama. and i was just so completely blown away by the first shakespearean production i saw. what are you laughing at? >> rose: i'm remembering they call you the stratford... >> yes, well, what can you do? it was my my fault? >> rose: really, whose fault was it? >> the fault of the bloody journa