. >> my name is mary mona. my question for you is during your fencing career did your fencing or -- ever impact or inspire you to come closer to your faith? >> yes. i feel like when i did not qualify for the olympic team in 2012, i feel like nobody wanted to talk with me about it especially my family. and for me i felt like i didn't make it because it wasn't meant for me to make. i always feel like the way god has it written is the way supposed to happen. some like it in qualify, that's okay. but what help me continue in the sport and not be truly affected by not qualifying for this huge sporting event, arguably the most important sporting tournament is my faith. i have teammates in my opinion who were not as lucky. still to this day have a hard time accepting not making teams and feeling affected by that. i believe that my faith and my faith has allowed me to become a greater athlete because i do not hang on to a loss the way my teammates do. i don't think that makes me less competitive, i think that is my und