. -- counsel, mary murphy. >> i would like to in the interests of time and in deference to those who i know are here to speak, i would like to call to your attention i have submitted a letter into the record about the development obligations. mr. yarny has covered a lot of the basics, but i will add i am here to cover many of the basics. i will add to the conversation, woy like to make two brief points. mr. yarny has explained, and i know you all understand and i know people in the audience know, that a development agreement is a contract between the developer, and within that contract there are a whole host of enforcement meckmisms that the city has. it is very sophisticated about these sorts of matters as you know. >> acustomed to these enforcement mechanisms, i want to add that during the terms of this development agreement a developer or subsequent purchaser were to fail to meet its obligations, there are a whole host of remedies that the city could declare default or terminate the developers development rights, and this is an enormously powerful tool in the city's arsenal. one o