by your architecture that seems to be the trend lately there's this american israeli architect mary oxman experimenting with like ac the protein found in milk which can be as hard to cement do you think we'll see traditional concrete and steel and glass give way to like eco materials i think that's partly possible i mean some of these experiments of a small scale might move into. fashion and product design 1st but that was also the case with promises and to some extent so i don't know how much of these experiments on there is another scale but i'm very interested and i'm interested in. logic a process is biological engineering genetic engineering as well as computational evolution and genetic coding which is more than analogous to a biological process so there's a very strong interest and some of the gee between the science of biology and the science of artificial life and intelligence so when spoken a bit about the future and the way you see it in your field let me ask. things about you do you see your. self as an artist because an artist can always say you know i don't really care what