knew that nelson mandela very much wanted him to be part of the elders alongside kofi annan and mary robinson and others. um, but, uh, you know, he decided that he could change the approach slightly, and he and archbishop tutu sat under a palm tree. uh, they they drafted, uh, a wonderful statement, sort of setting out, uh, what the elders mission should be. and, and he then worked diligently for 20 years and making making it become a reality and trying to make sure that the elders, um, really work behind the scenes and made a very, very big difference in the world, which which they did. and amusingly, archbishop tutu was, uh, president and, you know, was chairman of the elders for a while. and he, he liked to get up a little bit later and say his prayers. and president carter always wanted to be start the meetings at 7:00 in the morning. and they had friendly banter about about that. i think on that one. um, there was a compromise, and i think we started the meetings at 8:00 in the morning. >> we're going to hear so much about, um, president carter as a peacemaker, as a as a hero, as an icon.