mary schultz deposed one of the alleged victims. do you remember miriam pacheco? we interviewed her. >> (video plays on ipad) >> do i remember her? >> bergman: well, you took her deposition. >> okay, but i've taken myriads of depositions. >> bergman: she's making serious allegations of rape. so then assuming miriam pacheco is telling the truth about what happened to her, but the case gets dismissed, where is there justice for her? >> because the case was dismissed, again, it doesn't mean it didn't happen. the report that she provided was of a rape. where's the criminal system? that is the system that's designed to address the kind of crime that she's reporting. what the company sees is, "we've got an issue here, maybe this is credible, maybe it isn't. maybe this happened, maybe it didn't." do companies just start opening the wallet and paying out money to people whose circumstances they believe? i think that would be horribly risky. you would be overwhelmed with trying to sort out the good from the bad. >> bergman: and when abm does not believe they did anything w