dennis murphy (voiceover): her name was mary taglianetti. she was calling from virginia. no one in keith reed's life, including his daughter, megan, had ever heard of her. that name mean anything to you, this mary woman? not at all. anybody in the family, did it ring a bell? no. dennis murphy (voiceover): megan's older sister, katelynn, didn't know the name either, but would soon realize this mary was a woman her dad had taken to dinner back in 2010 during an off period with kimberly. i remember him saying that he was going out to dinner, but yeah, no, nothing ever came from it. dennis murphy (voiceover): but now this mary was on the phone. she was very, very upset. mary taglianetti (on phone): [crying] joe gerace (on phone): stay with me. this is going to be ok. relax. joe gerace: i kept her on the phone purposely as long as i could. and while we were talking, i had my staff scrambling to get somebody in law enforcement to her home. dennis murphy (voiceover): almost 400 miles south, officers in virginia brought mary to an interview room. she was the second woman in three