maryam fadehi of sed and sima news agency, more than 330 thousand tons of the product of the third week of ardi behesht was sold in the export hall of the commodity exchange, the value of these transactions it reached more than 4 thousand billion tomans during this period, 164,000 tons of bitumen and the value of 202 end of the news of khodanghedar capital market. come tell me about tomorrow's wishes. what happened that you decided to vote ? it was a choice that requires our presence in this field and we must come to prove our presence both nationally and religiously and be influential . i came to vote for my country, just as we came in the first round. we participated. well, some of our desired candidates made it to the second round. well , we should definitely come, so that those people who didn't make it to this stage , they are iranians and i exist, this is the country. myself i am conveying my opinion. my goal was to choose a weapon. why was it indifferent ? it should not be indifferent. we must all work hand in hand to build this country. we do not have the right to make any comme