maryam sedehi of the radio and television news agency and the united nations estimated the number ofs from the syrian earthquake at 5 million people. a deadly earthquake is spreading in the north of syria , but while visiting the earthquake-stricken provinces of aleppo and latakia, the president of this country, assad, said that syrians are ready to take action, relying on the perseverance of our nation , they will overcome this disaster, the united nations announced. after this earthquake in one hundred years the recent one has been unprecedented, now the syrian government is facing a big challenge , which is trying to provide shelter for the victims of the earthquake by building temporary accommodation centers. it has been a year since the bam earthquake. after the earthquake, khanum was severely damaged. the experts of the governorate all say that the building should be demolished. the temporary action of my mother is to shake and i don't know what to do. the honorable thing in the world is to break the cruel sanctions and with the help of the people , the syrian government has as