school students enjoy this and grandchildren enjoy looking through this book, and this is owls by maryann taylor published by cornell university press, and it features exquisite owl action photography from many different photographers, not just one, and candid closeups along with comprehensive information on the owl, and every page has a picture, either small or large of an owl. this is a picture that was dissh there's text above it that really there's a visual and explanation of how that works. you can see this is an idea so that you can see the text to the picture, but the opposite picture, the opposite page has a full page picture of an owl so that you can really see the distinctive markings of its feathers. you can see the claws up close so it seems real to you. you can see in the anatomy, depending on what they research, nesting, has habitat, courtship, threats, conservation measures, and it gives you a good covering of what is included. the second -- the last two-thirds of the book is devoted to specific individual species related in detail about the owl, and this, again, will be like the