because if you are quiet, besides doing the voice of the tour guide come you also hear the sound of maryborough's sylvester screening. she's asking where children are, where are my children. underneath the genteel faÇade of this house and behind the image of this lovely woman in the 17 \40{l1}s{l0}\'40{l1}s{l0} and 50s is the figure of madness. she was so mentally ill but quite unusual for the age when most people would have stayed at home with their families, no matter how crazy they were, mary was taken off to westchester county and institutionalized there. she came back home, treatment was of no use. she died in 1750, and i found this out only in a sermon published about her husband who was a very loving and marvelous husband. you read the letters that he wrote to his daughters who were then living, not on the island any longer, and you see how much he cared for this poor, madwoman he would write to his daughters, your poor mother is not well. and you can see from the institutional records what that actually meant. although we don't know what it is that she suffered from. so there she was in h