thank you so much maryellen, susan, for being here. i will use this 10 minutes let me watch myself here. to talk to you a little bit about why he wrote the book and also some of the things that happened to me as a child and then later on. i guess the whole arc of having been a refugee for 30 years now. i was born in iran right when the revolution happened in iran in 1979. we were a muslim family, a middle-class family of doctors and we had a very sad old life, not just in the city of istanbul also a village nearby where my father had lived and grown up for generations and generations. it was all just very rooted and comfortable and lovely. but then the revolution happened, i was born and shortly thereafter there was a iran-iraq war which went on for eight years and pretty much colored my childhood. it was more the bombs and the sirens and all that. then when i was six years old my mother decided to convert to christianity suddenly and the story of that i won't go into it, it's in the book but she suddenly decides this is her empowermen