myself and maryellen carol, head of d.e.m., went and presented and because it is an entire system thatis having trouble, the hospitals, the ambulances, all of us, so i put forward some solutions and i am hoping that we can work together with them as -- in terms of maybe some e.m.s. prevention pilot programs and the like. i will keep banging that drum with them. we also met with the testing unit from the department of human resources. we will be having -- we'll be having the next exam that is due is the paramedic captain's exam or age 33. we're hoping to have that in november. we are also working on seeing if we can change our current exam practice that is to have the exam list last for three years and then we extend it for one year, but for some of these lists, we want it to be a two year list, with the possibility of extending it for one year. with the exception of the lieutenant's list, which is a very big list, but the others are smaller lists, and i think it would benefit the department to have these tests more frequently. so we are working towards that and the local 798 is in agre