will build sports and health facilities on two of the nd i returned after the peacejapan launch masaharu kono called it very regrettable, sayin>>> south public lined up against it. koreans aren't afraid to take to the streets to let their leaders know how they feel this time they are a opposition rallying against a ct. n test fired the missileal they claim was a satellite carrying rocket. but many south koreans aren't happy with it. they say the president's administration e administration is it is rushing its signing by hiding it from the public. we >> repor mihan an the most a top lee' president's personnel shuffdract handled. already the nized hear the words japanese military. korea/japan relations aside this issue is also getting attention becausepaner. >> transla south korea will be in debate this military pact in the and stressed the. japan on the a plan with media often depict the unid stat as an songs. state-run korean performers wearing mickey nced the concert also featured famous american songs including the soundtrack for the movie observers say the broadcast could indicate that cha