masami yoshizawa is the exception. most people heeded the government's evacuation order and fled in waves. leaving ghost towns in their wake. we ventured into towns inside and around the exclusion zone which remain empty today. eerily silent and frozen in time at the moment residents fled the quaking earth and incoming sea. many expected to return once the tuft settled and the water re-seeded. instead lopping-time residents stayed away, afraid of what many call the invisiblen my that haunts hundreds of square miles. >> the meteor is showing 3.2 microseekers of ratiatidiation. that's the highest we have seen. >> tens of thousands that fled the town have yet to return hope. the nuclear refugees are scattered throughout japan, living in temporary facilities like these. i talked with a resident from fukushima who barely escaped the tsunami. what was it that told you it was time to get out of your house? >> translation: about 30 minutes after the earthquake i went to look at the river. i saw the tide rushing out to sea in a