at the beginning it wasn't clear if anybody would be interested in a show like mash arroyo. but really from missouri one it was amazing to us not only what about but 5000 participants 55000 applicants in missouri one but then the engagement once it started to go live on t.v. and also she'll need. you know every one from that person's area or region would be watching and voting and they both go in again so it really was the wild dissolute do think it would be like this. but in fact national oil has become the most popular t.v. show in sudan. globally khartoum ranks among the cities with the poorest quality of life it has a population of between 6 and 8w2w of them are people displaced from their home regions because of desertification of the civil war. 60 percent of the country's population are under 30 years of age. many of them don't have any steady employment and try to get by doing odd jobs. whether young or old rich or poor almost everybody in khartoum knows mushroom i. live in i go miserable and the devil in the show inspires you to work on your ideas and education and p