military organization, moa, one of the members came up to me saturday as i was talking to him, he said masha, this is a bad, bad, deal. i have to agree with him. it is. of course he speaks from the perspective of having served, worn the uniform, served, having had a full military career. interesting. they know a bad deal when when they see a bad, bad, deal. i have to agree with him. it is. one. in this deal that is proposed, they see the tenets of a very bad deal. let's look at a few of these exobents -- components that will not serve us and future generations, our national security, our homeland security well. as you review this deal, you see that iran retains the ability to enrich uranium. that does not stop. it is going to continue on. we can already see how a nuclear iran would create an arms race in an area which is already volatile. any capability to enrich uranium may cause a nuclear arms race to happen and further destabilize the middle east. see, we are not prohibiting them from doing anything. all we are doing is basically setting a date certain 10 15, 20 years down the road. now,