not only they died, they died, they died, what is the unknown daughter of my nickname, hereta masha bruskinathere... it was such a problem, and moreover, what he said, that the strassians are of great importance to the world, i remember akhvyaram, memaryal. from this point on, everything fell apart. the construction of the project at all stages. on march 22, 2015, there was an honorable memorial to the trystsyanets complex. this first aspect has been remembered, the carriages have been cut out and miniatures are being implemented, and in reality it is possible to improve the situation in the world. yes, between the former ussr, separated from the countries the arrivals of europe were carried in passenger carriages. they traveled with their rivers, they had other lives, new quarters, new cargo, and at transshipment stations, for example, near vaukavysk, nyashchesnyh... reloaded as they lived in chicken wagons, in skin hell 80 yes 100 chalavek, mensch for palova kvadratnaga meters per chalavek. in total , trascianets was given to more than 20 thousand of the peaceful citizens of germany, austr