masha gessen said on election night that same week, in november 2016, when it became clear in the wee hours of the morning on election night, that donald trump was going to win the presidency gessen argued that clinton instead of giving the speech that she gave she could, she perhaps should have just said this. and i will warn you, this is a little dark. it is a little stark. but given that she wrote this basically hours after election night, it also feels oddly prescient just a few years down the road now. so here's the alternate concession speech for hillary clinton as imagined by masha gessen. it starts, "thank you. thank you, my friends. thank you. we have lost. we have lost, and this is the last day of my political career. so i will say what must be said. we are standing at the edge of the abyss. our political system, our society, our country itself are in greeter danger than at any time in the last century and a half. the president-elect has made his intentions clear, and it would be immoral to pretend otherwise. we must band together right now to defend the laws, the institutio