so at the 55 mason ambassador, to come down and say some good things about him. ok. right here, this is coming up. a right place and home from south affer could to the bay area -- from south africa to the bay area, sixth and mission, come over to that. and celebrate your soul this sunday, you may need a little blackout. and we have the vapor room around. and this is a good cannabis cup -- and i want to remind the people who have been getting cannabis, you need to be here at city hall on the third friday at 10:00 and 9:00 for the cannabis task force. to let them know that you have been getting section eight medical marijuana. also, that was medical marijuana, and i forgot the other thing i was going to talk about. but how do you like my jolly green giant -- and we have medical marijuana. and you know what? another great candidate. remember, we have proposition s that our city people have not done anything with. that was about getting cannabis grown commercially accepted for us living in the city and county. see you guys at the cannabis task force this friday. come on