mason walters, senior principle structural engineer with farrells lasser was also on the panel. third member was jack maley, a structural engineer at perk re, and i was involved in the design criteria as well as the substructure, which was all concrete. he did not get very involved in the steel design that was above. the fourth member was robin mcguire. his firm was originally risk engineering out of colorado, and he was very involved in the early stages of design criteria review and the ground motion studies. then, his firm was purchased by lennus consultants who was involved in aspects of the design, so he had to recuse himself and was only involved in early aspects of the design. third member has done a lot of bridge research in caltrans. he was our bridge guy because we had to review the bridge coming down from the bay bridge. sixth member was a professor emeritus at berkeley. he was active in the designed criteria, basis of design and ground motion. he became ill and unfortunately passed quite early in our process, so he was only involved in the early process. and the last