eric massa is a naval academy graduate and retired navy commander.obal conflicts and was even the special assistant to the supreme allied commander of nato. gentlemen, good to see you both. >> good to be with you. >> good morning. >> congressman hunter, let's start with you. when you were in the military, and i know you have plenty of combat experience, you were in the fight right there in fallujah, iraq, when you were active, did anyone come out to you? >> no, no. i didn't have any awareness of any homosexuals or transgenders in my units or any other units for that matter. i was in a combat unit, artillery and infant re. there were no women in it and we didn't have any folks coming out saying that they were homosexuals. but, you know, this is interesting that we're having this debate right now. they're holding an hour debate in the senate in the armed services committee on don't ask, don't tell. they have not dedicated a full hearing to roadside bombs. the number one killer of our military over there so we aren't focusing on how to win the war in af