and barack obama very popular in this liberal bastion, and easily picks up massachusets. so there have you it again, we're waiting on a couple very big swing states because this is those about weather states this will did bell weather states this will determine it talking about florida and virginia, where they are now, tending poll hours -- extending poll hours because the lines are so long, both sides agreeing, they have to let them vote. not like a walmart, you wait for a sale, they close the doors, they don't do that here. you know, depending on side they wish you would, but both sides saying let them vote. virginia is that crucial. each one wants state, for mitt romney perhaps more crucial. if he has a devil of a time in ohio, virginia be will important, florida is important. some say pennsylvania, becomes important, but you canny as we put numbers together why this matters. state of ohio, still way too early, these are early votes. early votes are tabulated first, they were expected to be heavily favoring barack obama, they are, of some concern to romney camp might b