. -- the massena to -- machine had gotten so efficient that she brought in a second machine and asked the worker to start running that machine at the same time. he was neglectereluctance becaut was his job. technology brings more and more efficiency to our jobs. with regard to the education side, i completely agree with you. education needs to be a primary focus for our work force. certainly in manufacturing. i hear from contacts that they find that ait a challenge to find a qualified workers to operate in the computer sector. whatever we can do with regard to work force training and apprenticeship programs, those are key. with regard to exports, i agree with you. for many years we were able to proceed with living off of how good we were doing within our own economy, and that allows smaller companies to be successful without thinking internationally. we see more and more small firms helped through some of the gold key programs. i try to keep tabs on that as well. >> thank you, senator warner. i think the point about small manufacturers is so important. i watch machine shops, small spe