as alan massena likes the judiciary, the conversation when actual changes other than our president. you remind them of a few things about your real-life experiences , words violence against women are having to find childcare. you know, reality is not just an abstract idea into the discussion. and yes, men have supported these issues and some will continue to do so, but nothing like the power of personal story. the statistics are important. research is important, but we have to tell her stories and we have to tell them out loud so other people can hear. now, these conversations about who's going to pick up the children at daycare, who's going to talk to the bodice about being able to go home early to make a doctors appointment, these conversations take place all the time in the area. we know they do. they take place in the watercooler. they take place in supermarkets, this book were, and the cafÉ. but they haven't been part of the public political agenda. so my suggestion is we have to put it on the public agenda. we have to ask politicians these questions. what is your position on c