if you look -- if you compare a massillon, ohio, to a dallas or los angeles, median household income might be $30,000 compared to $55,000. it's more difficult for people in smaller communities to just afford cable television. i think we need to solve it with -- consumers will solve it themselves. they will stop subscribing to the expensive sat9 right-delivered programming networks and rely more and more on a combination of broadcast television that we can deliver in a bundle and supplement that with what they want from the internet. >> host: you talked, mr. gessner, about some of your costs. what makes up those costs? is it the cost of buying television from lifetime, whatever other channel? is it the cost of providing the local stations? >> guest: it's a mix. the program content, as i said, is about $55, $57 per customer, per month, and that's a combination of broadcast television as well as the satellite networks. the bulk of the dollars are for satellite networks, the broadcast television is a smaller dollar amount, it's probably growing the fastest because they started at lowest,