reached a historical high, drew attention to this, the chief economist of the un food organization, massimo toreroe noted now that 3 million tons of wheat is less on the global market than a year ago, and there is also a shortage of fertilizers, without which it is impossible to reach the required volume harvest, and here again an attempt to link the crisis to the situation around ukraine although the problem is obvious. not the new food prices 2 years ago, the reasons for the miscalculations of the west on the surface began to grow sharply, including the erroneous bet on renewable energy sources, the system turned out to be unprofitable and unreliable, hence the rise in fuel prices. and after the increase in the cost of fertilizers for their production. a very energy intensive industry. now the situation is being aggravated intentionally through sanctions, the oil embargo has been violated, supply chains are the first to suffer, developing countries' access to food and agricultural technologies has been sharply reduced, and the crisis on the eve of sochi vladimir i spoke with the president of sen