education code section 39602. >> thank you, miss matavan. at this time, i'd like to make a motion to amend the budget, so the board and the amendment would be to direct the superintendent to enter into negotiations with united educators for the purpose of memorializing the board's decision to pay certified and classified members of united educators a 7% add onto their base salary as if prop g had successfully passed without -- so it did successfully passed, but if the prop successfully passed without the threat of invalidation of side wise initiative up through and including election day. could i hear a second, please. >> so moved. >> thank you. if there's no objection from my colleagues, this is the amendment that i'd like accepted by general consent. so great. thank you. i do have some public speakers on this. so ellen yeshisagu, julie roberts fung, and susan solomon. so come on up, and two minutes on this. >> hi name's julie roberts fung. i'm a parent at robert elementary. very excited to hear that the board is considering honoring prop g