but t synergy, if you will, that peopl believed were tre didn't materiali.sohe premium that sprint paid for nextelas too much. the other thing is, this is what you learn in busines school, merg of equals isn't a good thing. beuse in this case we had two headquarters, operating headquarters where a lot of peopleoing day-to-day in kans city. the managent team was 50-50, the board was 50-. let's take sprint name, brand name let's use nextel colors, yell and black. a lot of that. >> charlie: ften you have different cuures, too. >> very diffent. one of t first thgs at i embarqed on when i got t sprint going to one headqrters one team, one culture. >> charlie: give me theame plan. you take a company, this is almost a businesschool sson. like sprin which is nber three. you want what's the goal? what's the ambition? rst you got to fix the problems. which is you got brand identy, which customer sisfaction, ich streeteciding on who your team s. a those kinds of human resrce questions. once you got that inplace, how do you wi >> i think t economy is, i think what's old