we'll get you unstuck, matey. ah. heh. [grunts] [all grunting] crab: ohh. captain, according to my medical manual, giant clams open and close using this muscle. aye, try tickling it. good idea. coochie-coochie-coo. [laughing] that's it. peso, you'll t tkle the clam. kwazii andhellington, you trto pull the clam open. i'll lift the crab's leg out. tickle, pull, and lift. excellent. yes, sir. aye, aye. tickle. coochie-coochie-coo. [giggles] pull. [grunting] and lift. yes. it's working. let's really get him laughing now. tickle. coochie-coochie-coo. [laughing] pull. [grunting] lift. wha-ho! ah, at last. i'm free. [l[lghs] [octonauts cheering] we did it! good work, octonauts. oh, how can i ever thank you? say... would you like to come to my birthday party? oh. oh. the octonauts never say no to a birthday party. [crabs laughing] oh, dear. [lghs] shiver me whiskers. i've never seen so many kiddies and grandkiddies. grandpa, you made it. ah, yes. i got here just in time. happy birthdhd, grandpa. [content sigh] rabs laughing] hey, w-what you doing? [laughing] now i