the hopes for a better life in mathare remain unfulfilled. clarice: the best thing, we need to be informed and involved in any planning that government might have plan to do, so that we work together. we be one thing, we involve each and every person. narrator: the people in the slums suffer most from the corruption of politicians and officials when money is misappropriated and promises go unfulfilled. the slum improvement program is one bitter example. still, patrick kiluzu is happy. patrick: now, i'm facing kibera. narrator: for him, it's a new perspective on africa's largest slum. anchor: for change to happen, two things are essential -- political willpower and economic investment. in 2009, brazil started its "my house, my life" program. despite the criticism it received, 3 million families benefited from this social building project. the costs, around 3 billion euros. of course, living space alone is not everythihing. medical care and good infrastructure are also key to improving the lives of those in poverty. but largely, it's the basics