mathur: it's definitely improving.hers are much more aware of the need to include underrepresented populations in general in their work. we need to do research that are inclusive of women and our unique genetics, our unique hormonal status. the research that is out there currently is lacking in these areas. for example, i mentioned that we think that there may be a neuroprotective role for estrogen. when it comes to the timing of estrogen exposure when's the , best to start something like hormone replacement therapy? what type of hormone replacement therapy for how long? what about oral contraceptive pills? we know that women report that their parkinson's symptoms tend to get worse just prior to menstruation, sometimes during it as well. what is the best way to manage those fluctuations? that's something we don't know yet. how does pregnancy affect the trajectory or progression of your parkinson's or does it? there's so many unanswered questions that affect women uniquely. and i want to always stress that this this typ